Want A Business Card Free Mockup? Read On... | Metal Cards Australia

Want A Business Card Free Mockup? Read On...

When you want your business to look professional, you need our business card design free service!


At Metal Cards Australia, we have been crafting a huge range and wide variety of sophisticated, professional, stylish, attractive and definitely memorable business card designs to ensure businesses and brands stand out and are remembered by prospects and clients alike.

We have a team of professional graphic designers that will create your own custom business card design for free.  Yes, for FREE!

All our metal business cards and custom metal products include FREE design services that could easily cost you $150 and more if you went to a graphic designer to get your business card design developed and made.


But what if I don't have a business card design?

No worries at all!  That is why we offer business card free mockups so that we can work with you, every step of the design way, to ensure your business card design creates the type of brand you want to portray.


What makes a good business card design?

I'm glad you asked!

It is important to really think about how you want your brand and business to look and "feel" to your prospects, clients and colleagues.

Here are some great questions to answer when thinking about designing your metal business card:

  • Are you a professional business? 
  • A you are fun and lively business?
  • Are you a kids focused business?
  • Do you want to portray elegance and luxury?
  • Do you want to look affordable?
  • What type of client do you want to work with?
  • What colour scheme matches your industry?
  • Do you have a logo image or logo words?
  • What metal finish best matches your brand?


Any design you want - we can create

At Metal Cards Australia we are masters, and very experienced, and creating a wide variety of different business card designs.  

We have been designing cards for over 10 years, so we have the skills, graphic eye and technology to honestly create any design you can think of. 

So it's time to let your imagination run wild and get creative!

We want to work with you to create the perfect design that really resonates with you, your business and your clients.

We will not stop tweaking and refining till we have a design you are 100% satisfied with.

And this is ALL part of our metal business card making service.

... Cool huh?!

Some of the effective and more creative design elements we are create for your metal business card include:

  • cut through swirls and shapes (like wine bottles or aeroplanes or drones)
  • perforated edges
  • photos and gradient logos
  • polished effect
  • creative card edges and corners (like diamond shapes coming out of the card)

Check out our gallery for inspiration and to see how many different and sophisticated designs we have produced over the years.


Ready for your metal business card free mockup?

With all the competition out there, it is more imperative than ever to stand out and be noticed, and most importantly remembered, by your prospects and clients.

You want them to:

  • want to take your business card
  • keep your card
  • show your card to family and friends
  • talk about your card with colleagues
  • admire your card
  • think of your card in relation to your industry

With a premium stainless steel metal business card, hand crafted and made by us, you will instantly benefit from all of the above.


Because our cards look and feel great!  They are stylish and attractive, and people will be impressed with the professional graphic design adorning your stylish metal card.

So you don't need to be an artist, you don't even need to know what you want, just a vague design idea will do and let our team of experienced and skilled graphic designs create a FREE business card design for you.

Easy - Yes!

Contact us by phone or email or fill our our quote form to get started.

We look forward to working with you to create your perfect metal business card.

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